Thursday, 21 March 2013

Loving School

I feel like while i was unwell I learnt a lot of life lessons. The first being to appreciate the little things in life like taking a walk. The next thing I feel I learned was to really make the most of everything, School in particular.

I'm in my last year at school at the moment and I also manged to get the grades I needed for university last year so as a result before Christmas I was really at the end of my tether with school. I felt like I really didn't want to be there but at the same time I didn't want to leave. I just wasn't enjoying it to the point that I couldn't go a day without saying "I can't wait to leave"

Then I got ill.

Being ill for 3 months has meant being absent from school for 3 months and spending a large amount of that time stuck in a hospital room really opened my eyes to how much I love school. The social aspects of it mostly. Seeing friends every single day and even my teachers. Being part of something is also what I really missed. Having something to do with my life instead of sitting unable to do anything. Technically meaning I missed learning, I missed class, I just missed everything.

So basically what I'm saying is really make the most of everything, make the most of school even if you're not enjoying it. Really words can't describe how horrible it was to be stuck in hospital or at home while all my friends were at school. 

As horrible as it was being ill for 3 months I feel a lot of good has come out of it too, as cheesy as it sounds I really do feel like I've learnt a lot about appreciating life after everything I've been through this year. I guess every cloud does have a silver lining.

Caitlin x

"Sometimes we have to hit bottom before we figure out how to really enjoy life" - Unknown


  1. Great post! I hope that everything is well with you! Follow each other? Great blog, so I'm a new follower on bloglovin =)

    1. Thank you! of course! thanks again! :) x

  2. Really nice post here! very capturing! hope you're fine :)
    to make things better...

    I've nominated you for a liebster award!

    visit my blog....

    or more info and all the details

    Laura x

  3. You are too cute. Just followed you. Love your blog.


  4. Lovely blog!

    New follower!

  5. I hope you are doing better! Lovely blog - Perhaps we could follow each other? Following you now, hope to see you back!

    xo Lulu

  6. I love your blog! Definitely following now, stay in touch xx

  7. Heyy, I just wanted to let you know i have nominated you for a Versatile blogger award, check it out here


  8. Hey, I am so glad you're feeling better :D I love the quote at the end of your post... it's one of my favourites.
    Love Elle xxx
