Tuesday, 19 March 2013

My Week In Photos #1

Aloha lovelies

I love taking photos so I thought doing  "My week in Photos" would be rather fun.
Lets begin!

 This is what Monday looked like. Where are you Spring?!


Beautiful Picture I took on one of my walks. So pretty with all the snow on the hills!

Trying out one of the Maybelline Color Show Nail Polishes, Post coming soon!

"Ugh Pictures Again"

My Beautiful Baby <3

My Throw back Thursday
Me and my brother on his last day of School last May. It was such a beautiful day!

CHEESE, I got that Friday Feelin'
I was off for a meeting with my guidance teacher about coming back to school! I haven't been since before Christmas!
So excited to go back!

Still trying out the accent nail and still unsure..
This is Essie's "Where's My Chauffeur" and "Beyond Cozy"

Lastly My brother after blowing out his candles on his 19th birthday

I had a pretty chill week. This week is going to be so much busier because I'm going back to school! Finally! Today is my first day back, I'm doing Tuesday and Wednesday morning and Thursday and Friday afternoon! Going to be so brilliant to see everyone again!

Hope you all had a fantastic week!

Caitlin x


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