Thursday, 14 March 2013

What's in My Make Up Bag

I don't know about you but I love seeing what's inside other peoples make up bags. I love seeing what products they like and use on a daily basis and see if I can discover any new amazing products.
So today I'm going to show you beautiful people what's inside mine. In this bag is just the make up I've worn the last few days and am loving at the moment!

At the moment the foundation I'm using is the Revlon colorstay in 110 Ivory. Right now it's pretty much the only foundation pale enough for me. Its quite a good match to my skin tone but I can't say I'm in love with this foundation but then again that's how I feel about every foundation I've ever tried :( Help me?
I'm using Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer in 2 Light. I think this is a really great concealer but it's not pale enough for me so I really have to work with it so it doesn't make me look like have dark areas on my face!
I'm reall loving wearing bronzer at the moment, clearly not so patiently waiting for the summer months. I splashed out at the end of January and bought myself the Nars Laguna Bronzer and I found love basically. Its just great because it's not to dark for me! yay
For Blush I have a dinky little sample of Bella Bamba from Benefit and it's such a pretty pink and also very pigminted so if you try this, be careful, you don't even want to see what happened to my face first time i used it!
For mascara I have Benefit they're real which is a great mascara but I don't think it's worth the money or any better that some of the other mascaras I have tried (dont shoot me please). I also have the new L'oreal one, False Lash Flutter. I'm trying this out at the moment and I quite like it. The wand is very interesting!
For my lips I have Burts Bees lip balm because I have disgustingly dry lips sometimes. Clinique Chubby Stick in "Woppin' Watermelon". It gives a really pretty pink sheen to the lips and on top of that I love wearing the Urban Decay lip junkie lip gloss in Naked. Its a super pretty nude gloss with gold shimmer. GORGEOUS.

As for eyeshadow, I've really been loving the Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette. The shades I've been using recently are Bootycall and Tease. They look so natural and beautiful together and perfect for when I feel like a bright lip as well.

Here's a swatch of them. Bootycall is a shimmery chapmagne and Tease is a matt taupey brown

What are the staples in your make up bag?


  1. I love collection 2000 concealer but I've nearly run out!! You've got some great products :) x

    1. Better get along to boots! I love how cheap it is compared to other concealers! Thank you x

  2. Thank you so much for the follow.^^
    Follow you back on gfc. Do you also follow me on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back again.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. No promblem!
      Thank you! yes I do follow you there :)

  3. Thanks again,for the follow,dear.^^
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Lovely greets from germany

    1. Thank you! Wow Germany! That's so exciting!x

  4. I've tagged you in a styling post on my blog that I'd love you to do :)

    Katy xxx

    1. Thank you! I just read it (before seeing this comment) and was like wow yeah that's fun and then saw you tagged me!

  5. I like your make up I am a huge fan of natural shades. If you want to visit my blog we can follow each other on bloglovin? Let me know I'll follow you back :) -B.

  6. Love your makeup here! I have the same problem with my foundation, it looks nice but I could always do better ;)
    Aaand I came across your blog and really felt like it would be a good idea to nominate you for the Liebster Award! Check it out here:

    1. Thank you! I know, i'm never satisfied with my foundation for some reason!
      Thank you! I will do that! xx

  7. Thanks for follow :) I followed you :)
