Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A little catch up

Hola my lovelies

It has been quite sometime since my last post I know but I've been going through a lot of big changes recently that I've been focusing on.

So since my last post I have moved. I'm now living in student accommodation in St. Andrews. I moved on the 7th September so I have been here two whole months which is Crazy!!
The last couple of months for me have really been about adjusting and settling in, making friends and everything like that hence the lack of blog posts.

So if you didn't know already I am doing a degree in French and Spanish and my third module this semester is linguistics. Classes are alright nothing too interesting.

As for the social side of things, I'm living with 5 other girls who are all lovely. In our flat we have an upstairs and downstairs, we have 2 bathrooms only 1 has a shower though and we have a kitchen and a common room.
I've made loads of friend since getting here it's crazy, mostly thanks to one of St Andrews traditions of academic families. It's honestly my favourite thing about the university.

hope everyone is doing great and enjoying what ever you are doing right now

The beach first thing in the morning

 St Andrews Cathedral at sunset

Caitlin x


  1. wow beautiful photos! :) And i love your blog! and can't wait to read more! I also followed you on GFC!

    Also I'm new to blogging and i'm trying to meet some fellow bloggers so I'd love if you had some time if you could check out my blog and let me know what you think! it'd be greatly appreciated! And maybe even follow me on bloglovin or gfc if you like and want to!

    thanks so much xoxo Randa

    1. Thank you :')
      I'll defintely check out your blog!
      Caitlin x

  2. st andrew look so beautiful !

    1. It's so beautiful, I'm so lucky to be here!
