Sunday, 26 May 2013

Family Fun in Florida

Hello again!
I thought it would be nice to share with you a few pictures of me and my family while we were in Florida. We had an absolutely fabulous time and took loads of photos!
During our stay we spent 5 days at Disney themeparks, we spent 1 day at Universal Islands of Adventures and also we spent a day at the waterpark in amongst shopping and sunbathing!

This a a couple snaps actually from snapchat of me and my little sister Leah on the plane before we took off. She was so excited!

First peak of Florida! So flat! and big and just so much space!
The flight took almost 9 hours going and it was not a great flight for me. I've become much more panicky about everything since all my health problems this year, I didn't quite realise how much it had affected me but I almost took a panic attack on the plane from being claustrophobic, it was rather not enjoyable

We arrived on the Sunday night and on the Monday we just went food shopping and things like that but on the Monday we went to Animal Kingdom so here is a picture of a Giraffe from that day. I Love Giraffes, they are one of my favourite animals!

 During the first week we got to go visit Harry Potter Land! well the wizarding world of Harry Potter at Universal Islands of Adventure. It was so well done, I loved it! This is a picture of my granny and grandad, Mum, me and Leah.
 AND WE GOT TO TRY BUTTERBEER! I really liked it! it was kind of caramelly. It just made me really excited.

 This is basically what it looked like, It was so fantastic and well done
Here is Hogwarts, by the way I'm still waiting on my letter! Anyone else?

We went to my favourite water park EVER which is Aquatica. I don't go on any of the rides apart from the lazy river and river rapids but I love it all the same.

Epcot is one of my favourite parks and I hadnt been in ages! Also this year they are celebrating 20 years of their flower and garden displays so they had all sorts of characters around the park as plants! I wish I could show you them all!

 We went into the lego store at downtown disney because my little sister LOVES lego! She brought home like 4 sets!
Me and my Dad however just took photos with the lego models. Dad with the hulk and me with Buzz and Woody!

Me, Mum and Leah outiside Cinderellas castle because you can't go to Magic Kingdom and not get your photo taken here. It's practically tradition. Can I just live here? It's so beautiful!

This is literally the only picture of all of us, we got our lovely waiter to take it for us! My Grand parents my parents me and my sister (My brother didn't come with us). This is at TGI fridays on our last night. I didn't want to leave!

I absolutely love going on Family holidays because it's just a great time to be able to spend with your family and make great memories. This was one of the best holidays I have ever been on. I'm incredibly lucky to be able to go on holidays each year and to have such an amazing family to share it with.


  1. looks like you guys are having tons of fun! harry potter land! i would love to go myself. :)

    xx rae

    1. We Were! It was one of my favourite holidays! I hope you get to go one day! It was really great, definitely a highlight!

  2. These pictures are fab, so jealous! I went when I was 9 and I'm dying to go back! Persuading the boyfriend is proving difficult however! Booo!

    Looks like you had a top time!

    1. Thank you! I bet I love it there! aw boo, I bet he would LOVE it if he went!

  3. I'm soooo jelous! It all looks amazing and yep i'm still waiting for my letter :)

    1. It is such an amazing place! Haha not just me then!

  4. woukd love to have your mom
