Thursday, 11 April 2013

Urban Decay Eye Shadow Collection + Swatches!

Well Hello there!

I Love Urban Decay eye shadow, like a lot. I started buying these palettes about 2 years ago. When you break down the price to each eye shadow buying a palette is a really good deal, but spending £25 or more on eye shadow at once is a lot. I do use them all the time though, pretty much every day I wear makeup. They are extremely good quality and the pigmentation is amazing.

Before we get into the palettes I just want to clarify that I bought most of these myself with my own money that I earned. The ones I didn't buy were given to me as birthday presents.

"Sustainable Shadow Box" - £25
top row-YDK, Flipside, Grifter, Uzi, Twice Baked
bottom row- Midnight Cowboy Rides Again, Flash, Oil Slick, Kiddie Pool, Half Baked

As you can see the colours are very pigmented and shimmery. So if you are a matt shadow lover then this palette is probably not for you.
The colours Grifter, Uzi, Midnight Cowboy Rides Again and Oil Slick all have the chunky glitter that urban decay is famous for. I definitely would say they are harder to work with but it's not impossible. You just have to be extra careful because they do cause a lot of fall out.
My favourite colours from of this palette are Flash, Midnight Cowboy Rides Again and Half Baked

"The Fun Palette" - £25 
top row: Woodstock, Baked, Uzi
bottom row: Sin, Flipside, Psychedelic Sister

The pigmentation is just incredible in these eye shadows, in almost every Urban Decay eye shadow for that matter!
This palette is perfect because I love playing around with coloured eye shadow.
The only eye shadow in this palette with the chunky glitter I mentioned before is Uzi.
I love all the colours in this palette but the 2 i wear the most are Sin and Phsychedelic Sister

"The Book of Shadows IV" - £46
2 of my best friends clubbed together and got this palette for me for my 16th Birthday. 
I love it so much so thank you amigas!

1st row- Blue Bus, Gunmetal, Cobra, Baked
2nd row- Bender, Gravity, Lost, Hijack
3rd row- Midnight Cowgirl, Sin, Midnight Rodeo, Crystal
4th row- Bust, Missionary, Skimp, Zephyr

The colour selection is truly fantastic in this palette it also came with a mini mascara and the 24/7 liquid eyeliner which is my favourite liquid eyeliner and mini primer potion.
My favourite colours from these are Midnight Cowgirl, I also love cobra, its got gorgeous flecks of gold in it, Gravity is another lovely purple and Zephyr is just the most beautiful white.
There is one colour in this palette that I am really disappointed with and it is Crystal. It looks like this gorgeous crystal blue but the pigmentation is absolutely terrible! On the swatch I had to  rub my finger in it for ages! I'm mostly disappointed because it's unlike Urban Decay to have a non-pigmented eye shadow.
Apart from that this palette is amazing

"25th Anniversary Palette" £35 (I Think)
1st column: Midnight Rodeo, Midnight 15, Vanilla, Flow, Chase
2nd Column: Tainted, Junkshow, Omen, Evidence, Deep End
3rd Column: Deeper. M.I.A, Ace, Blackout, Half Truth

I adore this palette. It's great if you're going away on holiday or just for a night because the colour selection is great. It has the perfect balance between coloured shadows and neutral.
Only one colour in this palette has that chunky glitter which is Midnight Rodeo
My most used from this are : Flow, Chase, Omen, Deep End, and Half Truth 
I couldn't pick favourites for this, they are all just too amazing!

 "The Naked Palette" £36 
I Paid £27 that was with 10% off (They have put the price of this up since I got it!)
left-right: Virgin, Sin, Naked, Sidecar, Buck, Half Baked, Smog, Darkhorse, Toasted, Hustle, Creep, Gunmetal

One of the most hyped up products ever but i definitely think it is worth it. I totally love this palette. You can create practically any look with it. The colours are super pigmented even though my camera isn't picking it up as much as I hoped.

My favourites are Sin, naked, bucked, half baked, toasted and hustle. Although I think creep is a great black too. It has fine flecks of glitter through it which makes it so pretty!

" The Naked 2 Palette" - £36
I got this one as a present from another friend for my 17th birthday, Thank You Friend! 
left-right: Foxy, Half baked, Booty Call, Chopper, Tease, Snakebite, Suspect, Pistol, Verve, YDK, Busted, Blackout

( you can't actually really see Foxy although it is there but it really is almost the exact colour of my skin)
This is my favourite palette right now and has been since I got it. I just love it to pieces!
I'm not even going to list favourites because I love them all!

The 2 Naked Palettes are my go to for eye shadow, I can't express my love for them to you in words!

So that's all of my urban decay eye shadow, i love them! They are pricey  but i haven't bought any since january 2012 because I am very content with what I have although I'm really eyeing up the Naked Basics palette.. 
I have spent a lot of money on these but I don't even regret it a little because I love them all and wear them all so much so they were definitely worth the money for me. Now I don't tend to buy any eye shadow at all because I have practically all the colours I could ever want.

To conclude this little collection post, I totally recommend all urban decay products, i haven't come across any I don't like (apart from crystal eyeshadow, excuse me while I go cry)

What are your thoughts on Urban Decay? Have you got any of there make up? Anything you recommend?

(All palettes were bought from debenhams)

Monday, 8 April 2013

Keep Your Heels High

Hello there beautiful people

I don't know about you but I LOVE getting dressed up to go out and getting dressed up means HEELS

I love shoes, heels in particular so I thought I'd share mine with you so we can discuss how amazing shoes are

Starting with my black heels

 These were the one of the first ever heels I bought from New Look years ago. I could hardly walk in them when I got them, Bless my little self. But Yeah I still really like these, I don't wear them as much anymore but they are great because they are so simple and classic and go with practically anything.

 These next ones I got about 2 years ago from a German shoe shop in Aberdeen (sorry I can;t remember the name! ) They were so cheap like £15 and I have worn these to death and they are still in amazing condition! What more can I ask?

These babies are my newest to my heels collection that you will see! They are from New Look, I got them in the sale in January for £13. These are great. They go with almost everything for a party and they have lace all over which I love and they also have patent details! Only down side to these is they kill your feet because of the height!

Next, My purple shoes

Looking familiar? Yes these are the exact same as the first pair I showed, just in purple. I loved them so much I had to get both colours even though they only had purple in a 6 and I wear a 5 I bought them anyway. So as you can imagine I've never actually worn these.. I'm going to give them to my mum I think, they'll fit her!

Now these, These are my pride and joy, My babies, I love them to pieces. They were actually a birthday present for my 16th from my best friend, oh she knows me so well. I know they were from But come on, we all just have to take a few minutes to appreciate the beauty that are these shoes. They are suede with an amazing glitter heel, only downside is again, they kill your feet and aren't the easiest to walk in but it's so worth it even if you do fall three times in one night..

My red and pink

These were the first pair of heels I ever got and they were actually my mums and are also slightly too big being a size 6 but I wore them anyway because I adored these shoes! They are just patent red with a little fabric bow. As you can see i like this style of shoe when I first started wearing heels! These were from New Look and are just a pair of nice simple red heels.

 I got these nude shoes after months of searching for the perfect pair. Eventually I found these in guess where? New Look. I absolutely LOVE how the heel and platform and strap are a different colour. These shoes just make me so happy. I get to wear them a lot and they are the perfect fit! No insoles needed for these babies! The best part yet, I can keep them on ALL night!

My Little Silver Sandals

I got these for a friends 16th whose party was in the summer. They are from Stead & Simpson which has now closed down I think, well at least the one where I live has. They were just perfect for the occasion and were really inexpensive. I really like these because they are so dainty and pretty. Perfect for summer parties with the family and little things like that.


These are the last shoes I'm going to show. My wedges. I got these last summer to go with a dress I bought for going on holiday and I really wanted wedges for the summer anyway! These are actually just from Primark! You can really find some gems there when you're lucky. Since they were from primark they were so cheap for shoes but they work perfectly well for me. Since they are black they also go with a lot of outfits and are just perfect for what I wanted. Although everyone says walking in wedges is easier, I completely disagree! I find these so difficult to walk in compared to for example my nude shoes! What is wrong with me?!

I do own one more pair of heels that just arrived this week but I'm not going to show you because they are my prom shoes! I love them and I so desperately want to show them but I'm keeping the for when I do like my Outfit of the Night for Prom post in June!

So if you want to see those babies ( they really are beautiful) then you should follow my blog ;)

Now leave me a comment telling me about your favourite shoes so we can be all girly and get excited over shoes!

Hope you all have/having/had a fantastic day! All I did was read a book and write this, exciting stuff eh?

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Nails of the Week

Hello beautiful people!

I am a complete nail junkie so I change my nail polish pretty frequently like every 3 days tops! This week I changed my nails 4 times which i know is rather a lot but i can't help it!

I started this week with "urban coral" from the Maybelline Color Show 
Its just basically a really nice bright but not too bright coral

I then had quite a change and went to "tomorrow never dies" from the James Bond collection that O.P.I came out with. I cant tell you enough how much I love this nail polish! I genuinely would say it is my favourite and when you have the amount of nail polish I do that is certainly something!

Then I went for this glitter tips ombré type nails, They didn't turn out the way I wanted but I wore them for a day or two anyway! The nude is just a random nail polish from FCUK that I don't know the name of and the glitter is "gold glitter" (inventive right) from Barry M

And Lastly these are my nails now! This is the colour "She's pampered" from Essie's winter collection but in my head this colour works for spring and summer just as well as it did for winter!

Whats your favourite nail polish of the moment? Let me know because I love talking about nails and things!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I sure will because the sun is finally out in Scotland! Wow what?! Sun in Scotland!? YES!